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a_popstar_life_tam@hotmail.com tammyandaslyn@hotmail.com NONE Pei Xian Wendy Wayne Joan Menda Livia Faith < Tabitha KaiLing Marie
February 2009
March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Alrights guys, been lagging behind.
Comp broke down and... couldn't update. Glad Daddy got it fixed. Thanks Daddy :D Uhm, alot of things happened these few days and i cant seem to bring them together. mmm... O yeah. Today at school, was worried for the australia thinghy! Each moment i think of it, it just got my heart beating like it'll never gonna slow down. Uhm the night before was the worst. Thought for a VERY long time to pen down all my thoughts on why i should be the one chosen. :P Wrote till 11pm ++. Tired... So uhm.. Read Syiqin's and fuyoh! Very de goodie arh. :D Hahas. So after school, went to hand in the form to Mdm Murshidah With Syiqin, Peixian, Yiu Tung and Gary. O yarh, on de way to Science Centre for "Fascinating Light" Peixian and i xchanged our phones. So our phones cn go on a one-day tour around Jurong Estate. XD Alrights, Ending post, very tired, cant continue further... :O C yar.. LOVES,AMMY
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
uhm, Nth amazing happened.
Just that i realized my drawing skills improved! Inspiration by Qin(Sweetie :D) Used to hate drawing, especially coloring. Urgh..... hate it. But gradually, i started liking it so much to the extent that i cant stop my hands from picking up a pencil and sketch. XD Manga and Anime Rocks so much. Wonder how experts draw it? Uhm, Syiqin Expert lah. :) Wanna be her student. Haha? Uhm...Working on PW now. Less stressful than before--Phew! Haha, uhm i'll end here. Gotta OT ler! Haheho. LOVES, AMMY
Friday, March 20, 2009
At home
Woke up at 8.30. Checked my closet, What should i wear?! Ahhh! *search, search, search* Finally, picked an outfit. C below. At Bus-Stop Went to de bus-stop. Panicked!! Why there's no 243? Then decided to call Wanny up. Wanny:Hello Me: Wanny, i think i cnt go already arh.... Wanny:Huh? Why? Me:The Bus-stop here dont have the bus to jp's interchange... *Passes the phone to syiqin* Syiqin:Wait for us at the School gate there. We're gonna walk there. Me:*relieve* okay! Wow,They saved my life. Thank, Guys! :P So went to meet up with de rest. We were de last of course, Cos of me mah.. H-hahass... -,- Took train to Vivo city. Got tickets and off we went :) At sentosa it was extremely F.U.N! Especially the Luge and skyride! Skyride was, uhm like travelin' to "Sky high"--a movie luhh :D L.O.L I was shivering and shuttin' my eyes,okay...! Hahas, but it was real cool and fun sittin' it with my Besties. Syiqin,Wanny and Tasha. "Aku Sayang Kamu Girls..." Luge...hmm....What more cn i say? Still the same old word >> F.U.N The speeding and riding was unexplainable. Rode beside Tasha and she was like," When asked to slow down, Ya better slow down." She kept repeatin' that, I knw ya love me tasha XD Ya're afraid i would fall off my car right?! XD Uhm, So here's de pictures: i look very weird, i knw CREDITS: Tammy LAMBERT and Syiqin BEAN :D
Monday, March 16, 2009
Had Choir Practice today.
Tired, Needa rest my voice already... ------------------------------- After Choir, Went out with cousins, Jerry, bro and Jason to Taman jurong for Basketball. Actually, we went to blk 811. Then, had many people. They kinda occupied the entire court so.. we decided to go gek poh. But on de way saw, Gramp's car, Lucky right? :D Then he fetched us to Taman Jurong park. So uhm... on to the Matches. Score was: 7-1 Duh...of course i'm in the 1's. Very obvious. They're good! It was hard to grab the ball from them eh.. Hahas, Bro was good. Almost score from far ;))Well...at least i scored 1. Good nuff ler. XD Credits to Jas and aunt>> :) ![]()
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Miss that "lovely" girl...
*Buzzing sound...*
So bored.... *looks around* Where's Pei Xian? Oh yeah, she went to Johore with her family till Wed. Miss her, that little bubbly girl... :D PEIXIAN. MISS YA. PEIXIAN. MISS YA. PEIXIAN. MISS YA. PEIXIAN. MISS YA. LOL... -------------------------------------- Cant wait for 1na2 Outing and with peixian n co. too! Okay... LOVES,AMMY
Friday, March 13, 2009
Had my English and Lit marks today,sucked really bad. English was supposed to be my best sub leh...(16/30) -.- Hate it And Lit,(12/20). Unexpected luhh. Sad ;(((((((,aw...(now ya knw y..) Then,after sch,went for choir. Then,went up with Adlin and Hing Wen(dono spelling crt or not:)) to give de choir a vocal warm up. So watched Hing Wen played the piano. Me?See n Learn :) Was able to get the chords right,Yeah,learned smt. Hahs Hmm...Sang,sang,sang...Almost lost ma' voice XD Then,uhm,instructor say must show de expression when singing "arirang"--sad song mah SO DAMN HARD Tip from instructor: Imagine that you are watching your boyfriend going away...Then ya cant bear to leave him... express it out...blah,blah.. I was wondering then.."How arh? I think i gotta see instructor as my boyfee first" XD N It kinda worked.... Hahas Then...After that Mr Na came.The pianist! He's damn good at it. One look at the score and he'll know how to play aledy. I wished i got that skill... *Still workin' on it* Okay so end of Choir. Went to Hall and waited for Pei Xian to nish' her CD. She so chio..Admit lah PeiXian,Ya are. But time was flyin' soooooo....slowly.And...decided to go home first. SORRY PEIXIAN :( --END-- LOVES,AMMY
Thursday, March 12, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LOOK AT THE FOOOD>>> *LICKS LIP* *DROOLING* XD happy that i got de highest for home econs(29/3O) I knw its great...Shahiran got de same too! Way ta go Hiran! :D So,walked home with Pei Xian,Took lots of pics! She so chio,tie de hair summore so H.O.T(XD) Here's de pics:(abv pls,thank u :)) Totally loved the pics with de spaghetti. Rocks man,My idea eh.Lols,hers too lah. hahas Oh n saw something in her cellphone. ![]() Yeah...So when ya see my face wet,just think that ive just gone thru de "heavy rain process". Thanks to Pei Xian For it,Still got alot but this's one of my favs. Kay,i'll end here,its gettin late gonna go get 4O winks. See ya! LOVES,AMMY
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hey al'!
:D Today was cool. Got ma' new shoes and bag,like Syiqin,hahs. Pretty things are meant to be shared among Besties. ^^ Brought the Strawberry perfume that Qin and Mimie wanted.Hahs,thay super-de funny sia... Then Mimie was like swingin' her hair,as if she was promoting a Shampoo in an adver. XD c it to bliv it.(lols,dont make sense) Peixian was like seriousy emo-ish during SeL. I was emoing too,i admit. Then was like staring at her,writing vigrorously in our book.So scary eh,then her face like wanna cry liddat. i thought it was smt ta' do with uhm...smt ah.but phew,its not. :D So had maths lesson,Miss Chen dint come today.WHY?!grrr..... I dont rly wanna know my results anyway,see sure sad d. :( Then,Hsieh Yang and peixian,2 jokers,took my cellphone. C ma' pics summore,zzz... I was like whatdde-- (>.<) Hey n ma' correction tape,taken away by Mr.Chin. I hav much memories with that correction tape de worh... :P And tomoro sci,hopefully,the result'll be nice to look at. :)) LOVES,AMMY Still hangin' on,yeah
Friday, March 6, 2009
An IntRo to my "BrO"
![]() ![]() ![]() Smt bout this amazin' guy Occupation:Singer/AI8 contestant Status:Married to my sister-in-law,Natasha Lambert age:26 From:Los Angeles, CA Have an adorable sister like me,TAMMY LAMBERT :D Now,lets get to know him more: Q:If you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have? A:Dancer Q:What's your proudest moment? A:Falling in love (Duh,With Natasha Of course!) Q:What's your most embarrassing moment? A:I don't get embarrased! :) <<What does this tells ya? XD Q:Do you have any rituals or things you do before you perform? A: I do a handful of deep, slow breaths and take a hot shower. Q:What other talents do you have? A: Actor. (Is that why he could win Natasha's heart?I think so... *Thinks deeply*) Q:When did you first start to sing? A:When I was 10 years old. (ooo...) Thats all folks! This is Tammy Lambert,Reporting and accessing this news live in Adam's Home a.k.a his personal life. *Brings mic. to him* Q:Okay Adam.Thanks for ya time. A:Oh its my pleasure,sister. XD (Cooool) > Support adam lambert < For Natasha Lambert,Rock on The JOADAM. Still hangin' on,yeah ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Today's tuition was cooool....
Seekin ans for an algebraic Q Tui:So whats the answer? Me:Uhm... Tui:See ah,if i take away this and this,it'll be left with... Me:*With Much Confidence* SQUARE! Tui. laughs Tui:Nono.. Me:Huh?!Why no?! Then she was like giggling and giggling.. I was like frowning and...frowning. Then finally she explained and i felt so silly..so actually my ans was also very lame lorh..hahs,square..what the hell was that... XD & guess what?Got lots of skills. Hahs,hope the maths ppr got those ques bah. LOL So... In sch Had Sci & Geog CA today Sci was simp. and Geog was...average lah. Can pass luhhs. After that,walked home with Px and Syiqin,hmm...saw Hsieh Yang chattin on phone..(With Who? :D) Then...chatted with Px awhile b4 going home. :D Thats de end of 4Mar09. :)) Still hangin' on,yeah.. |